Wednesday 13 May 2015

Lord Krishna on earth

Lord radhekrishna resides in GolokDham always.He comes to earth in DwaparYuga for 100 years which is fraction of time for golokdham. We know now very well i.e. there is difference of time between earth and mars.
He lives in earth like a human and demonstrates the best human values.
He is the best friend for Sudama and Arjun, best brother for Balram and Dropudi, best lover for shree radhe, best son for yashoda maiya, best help for devotees, best troubleshoots for brijbasis by holding giriraj, best savers for vrindavan people by saving them from big fire, Kaaliya snake, many demons,
big railfall by Indra and much more.
He is only saver for devotees. He does not leave his devotees alone but do each and everything to save them. He saved arjun's son  in uttara's womb till his birth from Bramhashtra fired by ashvasthama. He saved droupati by providing infinite saari while dushashan was try to make her naked and her 5 husbands and bhisma could not save her. Jai shreeradhekrishna.

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